Friday, November 16, 2007

Latest anti-P2P bill progresses in Congress

The latest anti P2P file sharing bill, buried in the midst of a larger 'College Opportunity and Affordability Act', is making steady progress through Congress, reports Anne Broache.

"The U.S. House of Representatives has taken a step toward approving a Hollywood-backed spending bill requiring universities to consider offering "alternatives" and "technology-based deterrents" to illegal peer-to-peer file sharing.

In the House Education and Labor Committee's mammoth College Opportunity and Affordability Act (PDF) lies a tiny section, which dictates universities that participate in federal financial aid programs "shall" devise plans for "alternative" offerings to unlawful downloading, such as subscription-based services, or "technology-based deterrents to prevent such illegal activity." The committee unanimously approved the bill Thursday. "

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